Social Networks Autoposter – Multiple Users
Addon for NextScripts SNAP WordPress Plugin.
Are you running a site with multiple authors? Would you like form them to be able to auto-post to their own social media accounts?
Do you have WordPress installed as Multisite Network? Would you like each site in Multisite Network to be able to setup and use its own social media accounts?
Multiple Users Addon
User management
Each user can setup and use his/her own accounts.
Admin can define what users can do that.
WordPress Multisite Network
Special management module for WordPress Multisite Network Super Admin panel that allows management of SNAP on sites in the Multisite Network.
– Super Admin can define what sites can use Autoposter.
– Super Admin can set all sites to use accounts setup by Super Admin
– Super Admin can enable/disable Autopotster for any site in multisite network.
* Social Networks Autoposter – Multiple Users addon extends funtionality of the free NextScripts SNAP WordPress Plugin

Special Offer - Save $49.95
Buy Multiple Users addon and get Multiple Accounts addon ($49.95) for FREE.
* will be automatically added to your activation key
Yearly subscription or one time payment (with multi-year discounts):
SNAP Multi User Addon Version: 1.0.3 (Oct 22, 2022)
Bundle it (and save):

Multiuser Autopost
- SNAP Multiple Users Addon ($149.95/year)
- SNAP Multiple Accounts Addon ($49.95/year) Free
- Premium API ($49.95/year)
- Scheduled and Delayed Posting Addon ($14.95/year)
- Proxies Addon ($14.95/year)
$278.75/year $199.95/year

All Access Pass
All Access Pass gives you all current and future addons*.
- SNAP Multiple Users Addon ($149.95/year)
- SNAP Multiple Accounts Addon ($49.95/year)
- Premium API ($49.95/year)
- Scheduled and Delayed Posting Addon ($14.95/year)
- Proxies Addon ($14.95/year)
- Automated Content Importer Addon ($49.95/year) [Coming Soon]
- Video Importer/Autoposter Addon ($29.95/year) [Coming Soon]
- ***All Future Addons***
$359.65/year $249.95/year